Saturday, July 14, 2012

Management and treatment of acute attacks of mild and moderate Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial asthma is a multifactorial condition , the cause in a combination between the environmental cause and the genetic cause , there is a degree of family history found in most of the conditions .
Mild to moderate cases of bronchial asthma can be managed at home with certain tips to give the best results , but the severe cases which is less common must be managed in hospital as it may be life threatening .
Management of mild to moderate cases
In acute attack any asthmatic patient can use the Bronchodilators or the relievers :
1-Short acting B2 agonist as Salbutamol or Terbutaline , they can be used orally or as inhalers for older children through a spacer device  or inhaler , by 2-4 puffs increasing by 2  
2-Anticholinergic as Ipratropium which can be given also through inhalation .
In moderate cases we can use cortisone as prednisone preparation orally as it will serve greatly in treating the inflammation of the airway .
Prognosis : most of the asthmatic children are mild cases or moderate , and the symptoms of the attach is usually mild
Preventive treatment in between the attacks
It is indicated in persistent asthma .
1-Inhaled corticosteroids : it decreases the inflammation of the airways it is usually used in small infrequent doses to decrease the side effects .
2-inhaled long acting B2 agonist as salmetrol it is usually used with corticosteroids in prevention of the asthmatic attacks .
3-Antileukotriens as Montelucast can be used if the above methods failed to control the condition .
4- oral Corticosteroids can be used in calculated doses to control and prevent more severe conditions if the above methods fail .
Prevention of the triggering factor is very important in decreasing the frequency of the attacks and controlling the condition .

1 comment:

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