Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to prevent viral Hepatitis A-B-C-D-E

Prevention of hepatitis virus A and E :
These viruses are of feco-oral transmission as they are transmitted through food . Prevention of these viruses must begin from health education to all family members with all the possible methods to prevent exposure to the virus .
1-Health education
2-Food Sanitation is a critical step in the prevention of the
transmission of the disease as for virus A and E the transmission is through infected food .
3-Isolation of any suspected case for 7 days ( symptoms of jaundice and pain in the site of liver )
4-Careful hand washing and taking care of the missed areas of the hand .
5-vaccination with hepatitis A vaccine is so helpful prevention of such cases , it is a inactivated vaccine given for children more than 1 year with 6 months interval 0 then 6 , and it is given intra mascular .
Prevention of Hepatitis B , C and D
Here the transmission of the virus is through blood and the body fluids as saliva and semen , virus is a week one it infects only in the presence of previous infection of hepatitis B .
1-General measures of prevention of the blood born diseases as : using disposable syringes , serilization of the invasive instruments and materials , and sterilization techniques in operations .
2-prevention of transmission from the mother to the baby through the birth canal and transplacental , by prenatal screening for any infection in the period of pregnancy and giving the baby of the infected mother hepatitis B immunoglobulins and hepatitis B virus vaccine .
3-Hepatitis B vaccine which is vaccine made by recombinant DNA technology , it is given IM at intervals 0,1,6 it may be given in many countries among the compulsory vaccines .
There is no vaccine for hepatitis C virus . 


  1. it is true, in fact when it comes to health, there is nothing more important than managing to eat healthy food and doing exercise regularly.

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  3. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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  4. Living with Hepatitis B was never easy, not until I found this herbal cure from Multivitamin herbal cure,I felt frustrated with lack of improvement with other traditional medicine and with the medications prescribed. I went online and found Multivitamin herbal after searching for how to improve my condition but unfortunately with the help of www .multivitamincare. org i was able to get rid of my Hepatitis B totally without any side effects of their herbal formula.

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