Sunday, July 15, 2012

5 main causes of generalized edema in children (1)

Any disturbance in the distribution of the fluid inside the vessels and that outside the vessels ( Extra and Intra vascular fluids ) may lead to edema , which is a common presentation in the children and adults at any age . There are 5 main general causes of edema which are :

1-Renal : the cause here is a kidney disease leading to disturbance in getting red of the fluids inside the body causing generalized edema , Nephrotic syndrome as an example is a very common cause of the renal pathology , the edema here begins in the eyelids , the upper respiratory distress . Other causes of renal edema is Nephritic syndrome , edema here is mild and may not be recognized by the mother .
2-Cardiac : any cardiac pathology lead to decrease the force of contraction of the blood to all the body will lead to edema , as the blood and fluids returning to the heart will not be pumped well to the whole body . Cardiac pathology in childhood may be congenital anomaly which when progress may cause heart failure leading to generalized edema an example of the heart congenital anomalies is VSD ( ventricular septal defect ) , here there is a defect in the septum between the left and the right ventricle , if left with out treatment may cause recurrent chest infections , failure to thrive and heart failure . There are many other defects in the heart can progress to cause heart failure as Atrial septal defect and Patent ductus arteriosus whuch are common causes of congenital anomalies .
3-Allergic : exposure to allergen as certain types of food , bites or certain types of drinks can stimulate the inflammatory cells and inflammatory transmitters leading to dilatation in the vessels of the body and generalized edema .  


  1. Edema in children can be caused by anemia.

  2. Nephrotic syndrome
    Protein energy malnutrition
    CHF secondary to anemia or congenital heart disease

  3. Renal hepatic malnutrition allergy etc.

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