Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to diagnose congenital anomalies before delivery ?

There are many methods which can be done for the pregnant woman to diagnose any anomaly or malformation in the feotus before delivery .From these methods are :
1-Maternal serum screening : we screen the serum of the pregnant woman for the presence of certain markers and chemicals and any disturbance in the normal levels may indicate a certain anomaly or malformation in the developing fetus . These markers are Alpha feto protein (AFP) , Human chorionic gonadotrophins (HCG) , pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A ) and unconjugated oestriol. By measuring the normal and the abnormal levels of the above hormone we can predict the presence of certain
anomalies or syndromes. These can be measured through the double marker test (DMT) and the triple marker test (TMT) .
2-Ultrasound screening : it starts early from the 9th week of pregnancy , it is helpful also in detecting other vital process by the fetus not only any anomaly , by measuring the fat percentage in a certain area we can diagnose a baby with down syndrome , or Anencephaly ( a baby with head or with incomplete one ) . Ultrasonography is very important in follow up in the upcoming weeks for the state of the mother and the bay .
3-Amniocentesis : inserting a syringe in the amniotic fluid around the baby and obtaining a sample of the fetal cells help in diagnosis of many genetic and chromosomal abnormalities by DNA study and chromosomal study in the obtained fetal cells .
4-Chorionic villus sampling : Obtaining cell sample but from the chorionic villi of the baby thus help in obtaining more accurate study .
5-Cordiocentesis: By introducing a needle and obtaining sample from the umblical cord of the baby and study the obtained cells .

6-Magnetic Resonant Imaging (MRI) : we can visualize the fetus for any 3D  picture thus diagnose any malformation .  


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