Saturday, July 14, 2012

Causes of acute and recurrent cough in a child less than 12 years

Cough is the commonest symptom in the respiratory tract among all children , it indicates irritation in the respiratory tract ( larynx , trachea , bronchi or bronchioles ) leading to the reflex of cough.
Causes of acute cough
Acute cough is that which lasts for less than 2 weeks , it may be
severe with diffilulty in respiration or not as
1-Respiratory tract infections as inflammation due to irritation with an organism either viral or bacterial
2-Bronchial asthma which is an allergic and genetic condition in which there is hyper-sensetivity in the respiratory airways leading to inflammation and narrowing in the airway leading to cough . acute asthma in the first presentation it appears as a condition of acute cough , but the most common presentation is recurrent as it id the mosy common cause for recurrent cough .
Causes of recurrent cough
1-In any child complaining from recurrent cough , the most common cause is Bronchial Asthma .
2-Recurrent aspiration which is a common condition in younger children .
3-Recurrent respiratory tract infections mostly in the children with decreased immunity due to drug administration or nutritional disorder .
4-Pertussis: cough in attacks with severe characteristic spasmodic cough with inspiratory whoop at the end of cough .
5-Allergic rhinitis ; allegy  from certain allergin can cause irritation in the airways leading reflex cough or may cause inflammation in airways leading to irritation and cough .
6-Psychological cough ; may be misdiagnosed as infection as it may be acquired habit by the child .
7-Passive smoking may be a cause which should be excluded in any child , if any of the family member is a smoker the child should be isolated immediately from the cause , and search for other causes according to the results obtained .
Management depends surely on the cause of the condition , but using drugs frequently should be stopped till asking the physician.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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    ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
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