Monday, July 16, 2012

Tips that maintain milk flow and increase milk production

Milk flow and production in mothers is controlled by various mechanisms and factors , the correlation between them increase the flow and production of milk greatly , thus satisfy the infant  . By following these tips we can have good flow  and production and production in nearly all women who have no
pathology or organic disease .
1-The most important factor for any mother in maintain the flow of milk is the suckling reflex by the baby as it secrets hormones which increase the milk flow , at the same level of importance is the complete evacuation of the breast milk which stimulate further production of breast milk by prolactin .
2-Nutritional factors : many women ask about the way to increase the flow of milk through diet , here we have types of food to avoid and a diet to follow , the food that we should be away from is mainly café , tea , spices , onion and chocolates . In diet we should increase the intake of fluids as much as we can , vegetables , fruits and proteins .
3-Psychological factors : the social and emotional comfort of the mother helps greatly in increasing the amount and the flow of milk , relaxation , confidence and happiness are very important factors any mother should have during breast feeding .
4-Early contact between the mother and the baby immediately after delivery is a very important factor in increasing the production of milk , as the time is the most amount of breast milk any mother have .

5-Rooming in the baby in the same room immediately after delivery increase also the production of breast milk .
6-Any Child should be supplied by breast milk when demand , it is preferred than a fixed time as researches confirmed that increase both the social and emotional contact in one hand and the milk production and satisfying the needs on the other hand . 


  1. Good gathering of the info which need to maintain and to Increase Breast Milk, Really innovative content and the blog is looking nice.. Thanks.

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