Sunday, July 22, 2012

Factors indicating adequate breast feeding and minor problems with Breast feeding and its mangement .

Indicators of adequate breast feeding 

For the mother :

- Marked filling before breast feeding ( indicate good breast filling ) . 

- Let down sensation ( milk flow from one breast while nursing from the other ) . 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

How to diagnose congenital anomalies before delivery ?

There are many methods which can be done for the pregnant woman to diagnose any anomaly or malformation in the feotus before delivery .From these methods are :
1-Maternal serum screening : we screen the serum of the pregnant woman for the presence of certain markers and chemicals and any disturbance in the normal levels may indicate a certain anomaly or malformation in the developing fetus . These markers are Alpha feto protein (AFP) , Human chorionic gonadotrophins (HCG) , pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A ) and unconjugated oestriol. By measuring the normal and the abnormal levels of the above hormone we can predict the presence of certain

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tips that maintain milk flow and increase milk production

Milk flow and production in mothers is controlled by various mechanisms and factors , the correlation between them increase the flow and production of milk greatly , thus satisfy the infant  . By following these tips we can have good flow  and production and production in nearly all women who have no

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Causes and management of Nocturnal enuresis in children

Nocturnal enuresis : it is involuntary urination in an unacceptable time and place in children after the age of maturation of the bladder and sphincter control which is about 4 years , nocturnal enuresis is urination at time , and its prognosis is better than urination at day (diurnal enuresis) .
Incidence : it is the most common type of involuntary urination in children , more common in boys than girls
Causes: there are 2 types of nocturnal enuresis , primary and secondary :
Primary nocturnal enuresis : is involuntry urination in a child who had ever controlled urination , the cause is delayed in maturation in the sphincter control mechanism .
Secondary nocturnal enuresis : is inability to control urination in a child who had controlled urination before , the cause here is psychological as the child may have phobia from school or excess fear from parents or any disturbance in relation of the parents with the child .

Management and treatment of a case of Nocturnal enuresis :
For the secondary and primary causes psycho theraby is very important , the child should urinate before going to bed and avoid excess fluids in the night time , also the parents should give the child a present or any  that please the child for every dry night .
For the primary causes the cause here is delay in the maturation in the sphincter control of the child , so medications may be needed here as desmopressin and anticholinergic drugs which play a great role in decrease in the amount of urine and increase the ability to control the act of urination . Another method to use is the " alarm device " which gives a ring when the sensor feels that there is filling in the bladder and awaken the child before wetting himself . 

5 main causes of generalized edema on children (2)

In 5 main causes of generalized edema in children (1) , we talked about the Renal , Cardiac and allergic causes , and how for the mother to differentiate between the diferrent types of edema and its causes . In this article we will talk about the other causes of generalized eema in children which are Hepatic causes ( causes

5 main causes of generalized edema in children (1)

Any disturbance in the distribution of the fluid inside the vessels and that outside the vessels ( Extra and Intra vascular fluids ) may lead to edema , which is a common presentation in the children and adults at any age . There are 5 main general causes of edema which are :

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to prevent viral Hepatitis A-B-C-D-E

Prevention of hepatitis virus A and E :
These viruses are of feco-oral transmission as they are transmitted through food . Prevention of these viruses must begin from health education to all family members with all the possible methods to prevent exposure to the virus .
1-Health education
2-Food Sanitation is a critical step in the prevention of the